
Angebote Details

Take a deep breath with haki® at Hotel Hof Weissbad

in Appenzell

from CHF 885.- for 3 nights
 Price per person  in a double room

More and more top-heavy and stressed-out people complain about limited concentration and suffer from tension along the spine that radiates to the head. haki® is the name of the gentle method that transfers the pressure from the shoulders, neck and head over the feet - and above all gives top-heavy people an undreamt-of feeling of relaxation and has won several awards. The haki® methods provide a clear head and a clear path in a unique way - and for a lasting well-being. Floating in 33 degree warm spring water or relaxing with a fine treatment on the massage couch, what could be better?

Breathe deeply - holistic treatment with haki®:

  • 3 nights with half board1
  • haki® Flow - floating on a wave
  • haki® Purna - floating on a wave
  • Visit of the group lessons

Double room at CHF 885 per person for 3 nights
Single room at CHF 945 for 3 nights

bookable all year round


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