
Private Selection Sustainability

Conscious and sustainable travel

Travelling, enjoying and discovering are privileges of mindful and interested people. We are committed to the preservation of beautiful nature as well as cultural heritage so that you, dear guests, can continue to enjoy the joys of travel in the future.

Authenticity, regional anchoring, utilisation of regional products and lived hospitality have always had a high priority for us. Together, we go one step further and are committed to a consistently sustainable service chain. Sustainable travel combines awareness and profundity with local enjoyment, indigenous culture and authentic experiences.

We cannot change the wind, but we can set the sails differently!


We cannot change the wind, but we can set the sails differently!

Sustainability at Private Selection Hotels & Tours - what we do:

We have firmly anchored sustainability in our business strategy and have developed a concept which enables the Private Selection Hotels to develop together towards a sustainable future. At the 2022 General Assembly, the member hotels made a corresponding commitment to actively participate in joint sustainability activitites. From 2022 to 2024, we are devoting particular attention to the topic with the "Sustainability Transformation" project, which is supported by Innotour, the funding instrument of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.

Each Private Selection Hotel as well as the head office contributes to a common sustainable development. In the implementation of the various sustainability measures, 4 themes are at the forefront:



Reduction of C02 Emissions

With measures such as the Food Save Management programme, which we are tackling in collaboration with United Against Waste, as well as joint workshops and trainings on resource savings, we are endeavouring to reduce C02 emissions.

Regional & Seasonal Products

Feel where you eat with all your senses. That’s why Private Selection Hotels put regional specialities on the menu and strengthen cooperation with local producers by purchasing regional and seasonal products.

Sustainable Hospitality

When developing our tours and hotel offers we pay particular attention to offering our guests nature, culture and customs experiences in an authentic and sustainable way. We support travelling by public transport and, with
OK:GO initiative, we actively communicate accessibility for people with limited mobility.

Commitment to Employees & Apprentices

Our employees are our most important resource. That’s why we are committed to providing attractive working conditions, development opportunities and the promotion of young talents. One example therefore is our Climate Company Challenge, in which 45 apprentices from 15 hotels work together with coaches from myclimate on climate protection projects and have the chance to win attractive prizes for them.

We support the following initiatives
Participation in the "Swisstainable" sustainability programme

We are committed to sustainable corporate management and are constantly striving to further develop our company in the direction of sustainability. In a creative workshop, our team in Lucerne defined measures, which are already being implemented with commitment. In the fall of 2022, thanks to the efforts of the entire team, we were able to achieve Level II "engaged" in less than one year - the next step is to aim for Level III with a sustainibility certification. Together with the hoteliers and hoteliers of the Private Selection member hotels, we have also founded a "Sustainability" working group. The working group has developed a concept for the joint further development and exchange of experience of the member hotels in the area of sustainability.

myclimate: C02-Compensation with local impact

Careful use of resources to protect the environment is important to us. You can support us in this: As part of the myclimate "Cause We Care" initiative, we give you the opportunity to make an effective contribution to climate protection and sustainability by making a voluntary contribution together with us.

When booking a Private Selection Tour, you have the opportunity to support our sustainability measures and offset the CO2 emissions of your trip with an additional contribution of CHF 4.50 per person and night. In return, we promise to double the contribution. Part of this sum will be used to support the swiss carbon offset project «Climate-Optimised Forest Management in the Canton of Graubünden» run by the myclimate foundation. The remaining amount will be invested in sustainability measures of Private Selection Hotels & Tours such as: the development of further sustainable offers, the promotion of travel by public transport or the strengthening of cooperation with local partners (such as suppliers, producers and cultural institutions).

OK:GO: information about accessibility

"The desire to travel is in all of us. For people with disabilities and senior citizens, however, the well-deserved holiday involves intensive preparation. In order to be able to enjoy a carefree time as much as possible, information about the accessibility of accommodation or leisure activities is needed even before departure", this is how the association Barrierefreie Schweiz describes the vision with the OK:GO initiative.

We support the initiative's plan by collecting and processing information about the accessibility of hotel premises. You can access this information via the "ginto" app to find out which hotel is best suited to your needs. We are also happy to advise you personally on the phone and do our best to put together the perfect individual holiday experience for you.